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Terms & Condition

Terms & Condition

1. The following circumstances are specifically excluded from our Uptime Guarantee: scheduled maintenance, DDoS or similar attack, hardware failure, third-party software failure, customer maxing its resource container, issues resulting from errors or omissions by the customer, issues relating to the customer’s ISP, firewall blocks/bans, or any other circumstance beyond our reasonable control. This clause does not apply to subscribers of Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS) or Dedicated Server packages.


2. PRISMHUB ONLINE SOLUTIONS will provide technical support to 6 Day/Week, Our office is closed on Sunday. The only official method for technical support is via E-MAIL at Telephone and live chat support are not official methods of support and are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in the following clause.


3. Resellers are responsible for supporting their own customers. PRISMHUB ONLINE SOLUTIONS does not provide support to its resellers’ customers. If a reseller’s customer contacts PRISMHUB ONLINE SOLUTIONS, PRISMHUB ONLINE SOLUTIONS reserves the right to place the customer account on hold until the reseller can assume its responsibility for its customer. All support requests must be made by the reseller on its customers’ behalf for security purposes. Resellers are also responsible for all content stored or transmitted under their resellers account and the actions of their customers. PRISMHUB ONLINE SOLUTIONS will hold any reseller responsible for any of its customers actions that violate the law or the terms of service set forth in this Agreement.


Reseller Terms and Client Responsibility:


Resellers shall ensure that each of their clients complies with this Agreement.


Resellers are responsible for supporting their clients. Prismhub Online Solutions does not provide support to clients of Prismhub Online Solutions’s resellers. If a reseller’s client contacts Prismhub Online Solutions, Prismhub Online Solutions reserves the right to place a reseller client account on hold until the reseller can assume responsibility for the reseller’s client. All support requests must be made by the reseller on its client’s behalf for security purposes.


Resellers are also responsible for all content stored or transmitted under their reseller account and the actions of their clients. Prismhub Online Solutions will hold any reseller responsible for any of their client’s actions that violate the law or this Agreement.

Prismhub Online Solutions is not responsible for the acts or omissions of our resellers. The reseller hereby agrees to indemnify Prismhub Online Solutions from and against any and all claims made by any User arising from the reseller’s acts or omissions.

Prismhub Online Solutions reserves the right to revise our Reseller Program at any time. Changes shall take effect when posted online or on any subsequent date as may be set forth by Prismhub Online Solutions.


Resellers in the Prismhub Online Solutions Reseller Program assume all responsibility for billing and technical support for each of the Users signed up by the reseller.


It is your responsibility to ensure that scripts/programs installed under your account are secure and permissions of directories are set properly, regardless of the installation method. When at all possible, set permissions on most directories to 755 or as restrictive as possible. Users are ultimately responsible for all actions taken under their account. This includes the compromise of credentials such as user name and password. You are required to use a secure password. If a weak password is used, your account may be suspended until you agree to use a more secure password. Audits may be done to prevent weak passwords from being used. If an audit is performed, and your password is found to be weak, we will notify you and allow time for you to change or update your password before suspending your account.


Any account which causes us to receive an abuse report may be terminated and/or have access to services suspended. If you do not remove malicious content from your account after being notified by Prismhub Online Solutions of an issue, we reserve the right to leave access to services disabled.


4. PRISMHUB ONLINE SOLUTIONS reserves the right to terminate Services for any customer or End User activity that exposes it to legal liability or endangers its ability to provide services to other customers. The contents, links, or actions on any Services listed below are a violation of this Agreement. This is not an exhaustive list, but is designed to assist you in evaluating whether PRISMHUB ONLINE SOLUTIONS is the appropriate service provider for you:


Child Pornography – Hosting, Distributing, or Linking to Pornography Involving a Person Under Legal Age.


Copyright Infringement – Hosting, Distributing, or Linking to Copyright Infringed Materials.


CPU/Memory/Resource Abuse – Consuming Excessive Amount of Server Resources Causing Server Performance Issues.


DoS Source – Source of Denial of Service Attack.


DoS Target – Target of Denial of Service Attack.


Forgery – Faking an IP Address, Hostname, E-Mail Address, or Header.


Fraud Site – Hosting or Linking to a Website Intended to Deceive the Public.


HYIP Hosting or Linking to a High Yield Investment Program Website.


Identity Theft – Hosting, Distributing, or Linking to Stolen Account Identification Information.


Infection – Hosting, Distributing, or Linking to Exploits, Trojans, Viruses, or Worms.


IRC – Hosting Internet Relay Chat Server not authorized by PRISMHUB ONLINE SOLUTIONS.


Mass Storage – Storing Mass Amounts of Backups, Archives, Videos, etc.


Phishing – Identity Theft by Email Under False Pretense.


Proxy Site – Hosting of or linking to an Anonymous Proxy Server.


Spam Email – Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE) or Unsolicited Bulk Email (UBE).


Spam List – Hosting, Distributing, or Linking to Email Address Lists for Spam.


Spam Site – A Site Advertised by Spam Email or Spam Web.


Spam Ware – Hosting, Distributing, or Linking to Software Designed for Spamming.


Spam Web – Unsolicited, Bulk, or Forged Site Advertisement in Web Logs, Forums, or Guestbooks.


Spamhaus – Spam Causing Blacklisting of an IP at for Malicious Activity.


Terrorist Site – Hosting or Linking to a Site Advocating Terrorism


Toolz – Hosting, Distributing, or Linking to Tools or Instructional Material on Hacking/Cracking or Other Illegal Activity


Trademark – Hosting, Distributing, or Linking to Trademark Infringed Materials


Warez – Hosting, Distributing, or Linking to Crackz, Hackz, KeyGenz, Serialz, or Pirated Software


Any other material PRISMHUB ONLINE SOLUTIONS judges to be threatening or obscene.

5. Restrictions on Storage Space Usage : All accounts are subject to the following restrictions on storage space usage: i) accounts must have valid, working websites, and not violate any previously subscribed terms; ii) accounts are not for use of mass storage of backups, files, audio, video, zip files or others, as determined by PRISMHUB ONLINE SOLUTIONS, at its sole discretion; and iii) accounts are not for use of mass distribution of files, such as torrents or mirrors. Any account found violating these terms may be suspended or terminated without warning. This is to remind you once again that use of mass storage of backups, files, audio, video, zip files is strictly prohibited.


Term of Unlimited Space: While disk space on accounts may be unlimited, because disk space, server CPU, bandwidth and memory are shared resources, excessive consumption of these resources can interfere with or completely prevent normal service performance for other users whose usage is considered to be normal. We regularly runs customer bandwidth and disk space utilization studies through a series of statistical analyses and use the results of these studies to define normal. Although the actual results of these analyses vary from month to month, one thing remains constant: more than 99% of our customers fall into “normal” range. In most cases, customers who fall outside the normal range are using their accounts for file storage or sharing purposes rather than hosting – This is against our terms and conditions.

What happens if you exceed “normal” usage? If we have concerns about your account’s bandwidth or disk space utilization, you will receive an email asking you to reduce usage. Generally, we provide customers with a minimum of 48 hours to make these adjustments before taking the account offline. Again, the most common situations involve customers who use their accounts for storage of files—particularly multimedia files—that are not linked off of their websites. It is a very rare occasion for a customer who is managing a personal or small business website to exceed normal usage (30GB). Therefore, the account will always need to be within the normal range of 30GB or you can move to a VPS/Dedicated server for better and uninterrupted services.

Email Usage: While PRISMHUB ONLINE SOLUTIONS allows its hosting customers to create unlimited mailboxes (i.e., POP/IMAP accounts), each individual mailbox is limited to 500 outgoing email messages per 60 minute period (all excess messages will be discarded and not delivered.)

6. PRISMHUB ONLINE SOLUTIONS reserves the right to add, modify, or remove any or all features from any service PRISMHUB ONLINE SOLUTIONS provides, at any time, with or without notice. This includes, but is not limited to, disk space limits, bandwidth limits, domain limits, pricing, and third party applications. These changes can be made for any or no reason and PRISMHUB ONLINE SOLUTIONS does not guarantee the availability of any feature, whether written or implied. If the removal of a feature materially impacts your ability to use the Service, you may terminate this Agreement. For the purposes of this paragraph only, the term materially means that a reasonable business person would not have purchased the Services for the purposes used by you.


7. PRISMHUB ONLINE SOLUTIONS offers 30 day money back guarantee on shared web hosting and reseller packages. No refunds are offered after the 30 days of Service.


8. No refunds are offered on custom packages, setup fees, domain registrations, domain transfers, domain renewals, SSL certificates, dedicated IP addresses, advanced support fees, processing fees, or software licenses.


9. Only first-time accounts are eligible for a refund under the 30 day money back guarantee. For example, if you had or still have an account with PRISMHUB ONLINE SOLUTIONS before, canceled and signed up again, you will not be eligible for a refund or if you have opened a second account with PRISMHUB ONLINE SOLUTIONS. In addition, refunds are not offered for accounts that are suspended or terminated for violating this Agreement.


10. Refunds will be issued only to the payment method that the original payment was sent from, and may take up to one (1) week to process.


11. Free Domain provided with Hosting Packages are not transferable without prior information.


12. Backups and Data Loss: Your use of the Services is at your sole risk. Prismhub Online Solutions’s backup service runs once a week and overwrites any of our previous backups. Only one week of backups are kept at a time. This service is provided only to shared and reseller accounts as a courtesy and may be modified or terminated at any time at company’s sole discretion. Dedicated/VPS servers are NOT backed up by us. It is your responsibility to maintain backups.


Prismhub Online Solutions is not responsible for files and/or data residing on your account. You agree to take full responsibility for all files and data transferred and to maintain all appropriate backup of files and data stored on Prismhub Online Solutions’s servers.

For daily backup, we suggest tools such as “CODEGUARD” — Automatic Cloud Backup System. And also insist your clients to use it for better service, For details please check:


13. Dedicated/VPS Servers: Prismhub Online Solutions reserves the right to reset the password on a dedicated server/VPS if the password on file is not current so that we may do security audits as required by our datacenter. It is your responsibility to ensure that there is a valid email address and current root password on file for your dedicated server to prevent downtime from forced password resets. Prismhub Online Solutions reserves the right to audit servers as needed and to perform administrative actions at the request of our datacenter. Dedicated servers are NOT backed up by us. It is your responsibility to maintain backups. Dedicated servers that have invoices outstanding for more than ten (10) days may be subject to deletion which will result in the loss of all data on the server. Prismhub Online Solutions will not be liable for any loss of data resulting from such deletion.


How Web Hosting Firms Should Protect Against Breaches in Security:

14. A Full protection can never be guaranteed, Web hosting security can be a real nightmare, especially if you don’t know what goes wrong. What you don’t know about Web hosting can hurt your business. Hackers are constantly trying to find new ways into your server and are becoming more and more clever each day.


While web hosting companies are doing their best to keep up with the demand for improved security measures, it is still crucial that webmasters take precautions to make sure that the security of their sites and data are not inadvertently compromised.


First of all, every hosting company should know who its customers really are. Careful screening of all accounts, where proof of identity is requested and new clients are contacted by phone before accounts are actually activated, will deter hackers from registering accounts with a host that takes these precautions.


All sites on each server or network should be monitored to make sure that no malicious code has been uploaded to a site, even if the rest of the site is completely legitimate. In cases where a site has been compromised and presents a danger to other users, the site must be suspended and not allowed to function again until the owner has taken measures to remove the threat in question.


Features are now available that allow automatic alerts from web hosting providers to let clients know that their site has had a hacking attempt made to it. This enables the client to take responsibility on his end to plug any security vulnerabilities that can affect use of all websites on the server.


A web hosting provider should offer its clients extended security protection, either as a standard feature or for an extra fee. So, we suggest you to insist your clients to use “SiteLock” for better protection, For details please check:


15. As for how you can prevent website hacks, we recommend the following general practices be followed:
– Check your account for any additional unfamiliar files and remove them.
– Update all scripts (WordPress, Joomla! etc.) and their plugins to the latest secure versions.
– Change your cPanel and your script admin passwords.
– Ensure all computers used to access your accounts are frequently scanned for viruses and malware.
– Uninstall any plugins, modules, or themes you are not using. Even if they are disabled the script resides on the server and can be exploited if there is a vulnerability.


16. Additionally, we work very hard to keep our servers secure however, we cannot ensure perfect security for the user account level. In order to do that, we’d have to lock down all file transfers to SCP/FTPS (which most users don’t know how to use, and can still be thwarted by a MitM attack if users aren’t careful), disable all I/O write operations by PHP, enforce a password strength policy, ensure our customers’ computers are running the latest security patches for all installed software, run anti-virus with the latest definitions, aren’t connecting from a hostile network, etc.

Because those options are not feasible we leave the security of the individual accounts in the hands of the customers that own them.

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